The Day Of The Session, After You Leave | Misty Jones Photography

Now what? We have completed your session, what happens after? Well, it typically looks like a hurricane hit after the session ends. So I gather all the dirty laundry and throw it in the wash and start putting away props, backdrops, etc... This takes about an hour or so. 

Next, I upload the photos. At this point I am usually starving so I grab a bite to eat while the photos upload. 

If I have time after I eat, then I will sit down and try to narrow down the photos to eliminate duplicates, blurry images, ones with blinking eyes, etc... 

Once I have them narrowed down I start editing. This can take several hours depending on the type of session and the amount of editing required. 

Once the images are edited I upload them to an online gallery, this will be changing soon, we are now  including in person ordering sessions so that we can help you decide which images to purchase for wall displays, albums, etc... 

In the next post we will talk about what happens after your order is placed. :) 
