Tampa Children's Portraiture | What to wear???
Your excited about your upcoming session and days before the session you realize you have nothing to wear... or you are not sure how to match everyone's outfits together?? The best way to plan your outfits is to start with a pattern (example is a dress for mom or a little girl). If the dress has two or three colors in it then use those colors for your color palette and build from there. For example if moms dress is red, white and black then you can have dad where a white, black and red pinstripe shirt with jeans, your son could wear a solid black top with jeans and your daughter could wear a red dress with black and white accessories. I hope to share more ideas throughout the fall but for now here is one idea for you. Imagine mom wearing a red dress with a black belt! :) All these outfits can be found at the Gap!
