"E" & "M" {Senior Portrait Photographer Tampa Bay Area - Misty Jones Photography}

You guys were definitely cracking me up today! T you have some handsome young men here! I hope you enjoy! :)





Stacey J. said…
Misty, I adore that first shot!
Melissa said…
What handsome boys!!! I also love the first shot and your use of bright colors is fantastic. ++
Anonymous said…
What sweet boys!!
I'm with Melissa, handsome boys was my first thought, too! Love your color in these, it's perfect.
mollie said…
wow- these are gorgeous! what a lucky family!
Anonymous said…
What great shots! I love the interaction in that first one, and the green background is cool!
Anonymous said…
What handsome young men! Love the colours in these, they really pop.
Lisa said…
What handsome boys! The colours are perfect! No doubt Mom will order the first nice and big... it's just stunning!
Jennifer said…
oh these are absolutely awesome, gorgeous color, location and lighting, love that first one especially!
Anonymous said…
Thank so much. You are absolutely amazing and patient. I promise I will work with them so come August they will be more relaxed.
I love them and you called it. You know I never get to see them all sweet with each other so I will be ordering the first one!